“Lady Gaga is playing Madonna copy cat, squirming around half-naked with half-naked guys, abusing Catholic symbols – they’re always Catholic symbols – while bleating out Alejandro enough times to induce vomit… She has now become the new poster girl for American decadence and Catholic bashing, sans (without) the looks and talent of her role model. Facebook: CLICK TO TWEET: Subscribe: Edit. The America’s Catholic League can see the similarities between Madonna and Gaga as well and here’s what they had to say about it all:

“Madonna thinks she is unique and there cannot be a younger version of something that is unique.” ”It just bugs Madonna that Lady Gaga uses fashion and her performance style in a way that has so many people calling her ‘The New Madonna,’” One spy says. august 2012 - Popillärk Lady Gaga (tõeline nimi Stefani Germanotta) väidetavalt on ülesandeks kaotada 10 naela gluteenivabas toidus, teatas eelmisel nädalal Austraalia paber Sky News. With the release last week of Lady Gaga’s controversial new video Alejandro, USA Today called upon BH’s editor-in-chief Bill McGarvey to offer his opinion on whether the video’s treatment of Catholicism was offensive. Madonna’s copycat claims have been further fuelled by Gaga’s controversial - or “blasphemous,” if Katy Perry is to be believed - video, “Alejandro.” The clip shows Gaga dressed in a latex nuns’ outfit, suggestively swallowing a set of rosary beads, and appears to include references to Madonna’s early ’90s videos for “Like A Prayer” and “Vogue.” Lang L: none (video): Lady Gaga - Alejandro Video Controversy 2022, Märts Allikas teatab, et lääne laulja lõikab nisu, et lasta 10 tuhande reisil.

This one is 8:43 seconds, and will prob get more controversy. Apparently the Queen of Pop, Madonna, thinks that Lady Gaga is a copycat! According to Madonna’s friends, the legend is “annoyed” with Gaga and she accuses her of ripping off her avant garde style. Music Talk - New Lady Gaga video for Alejandro (its another long one) - Figured there are enough fans here (and since arguably this is one of the few artists that people are actually kind of hyped to see a new video from.